Laura Albright, MD

Family Medicine

Practices In: Mishawaka, South Bend
Patients Seen: All Ages

When it comes to my per­son­al prac­tice style, I try to run efficiently/​on time as much as pos­si­ble, to allow my patients the most amount of time with­in their vis­it as pos­si­ble. My per­son­al phi­los­o­phy is that by lis­ten­ing and giv­ing patients time to talk, I will best be able to under­stand where they are at in terms of their health needs. I place spe­cial empha­sis on giv­ing patients options when it comes to care and prac­tic­ing shared deci­sion mak­ing between myself and patients. I love fos­ter­ing long term rela­tion­ships with patients, whether they are 1 or 100, some­thing that my spe­cial­ty thank­ful­ly affords.

Clinical Interests

Pre­ven­ta­tive Med­i­cine, Wom­en’s Health Care, Men­tal Health, Pedi­atric Care, Acute Care [I serve inter­mit­tent­ly in the SBC’s Imme­di­ate Care Cen­ter in addi­tion to my reg­u­lar FM practice]

Personal Interests

I am most pas­sion­ate about trav­el­ing, some­times to Dis­ney World, but often­times com­plete­ly out of the coun­try! The world is beau­ti­ful and there is so much to see. Clos­er to home, I enjoy spend­ing time with fam­i­ly, gar­den­ing, read­ing, and tak­ing walks around my heav­i­ly wood­ed neighborhood.

Memorial Hospital
615 N Michigan St South Bend,, Indiana 46601 574-647-1000 Get Directions
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
5215 Holy Cross Parkway Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-335-5000 Get Directions
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Graduation Date: 2014 Degree: MD
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center Resident in Family Medicine